Mar 13

Options For Your Wedding Amidst The Coronavirus

Whether you’ve just gotten engaged or have been hard at work planning your wedding for months, you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed! You don’t want to make a decision out of fear, but you don’t want to get caught in a pickle either. You want your guests that you invited to still be a part of your experience, but you want to still marry your best friend on the day you chose.

So what are your options?!

As a photographer, it is my job & every other vendor’s job to figure these things out & help you through the process. That’s what I’m here for-to help and reassure you. Whether that’s a rainy day or a global pandemic! So after spending time thinking & researching-here’s what you can do to keep your wedding on the calendar.

Option 1: Don’t change your plans

For all we know, this issue could be resolved sooner than later. Therefore, there is not a need to go around canceling everything booked yet. Count your blessings if you’re fortunate enough to have snagged vendors already!

If you have not had any of your vendors reach out to cancel or make changes, you can go along as planned…with the help of Facebook Live. Any guests unable to attend can watch live! There are also other platforms that make this possible, such as Zoom, Youtube, or Google Hangout.

Later on when this issue is no longer preventing plans, you can have a bigger wedding//party with all wanted guests.

Option 2: Reschedule with your vendors

Find a day in the future that works for you & your vendors-especially looking at weekdays. Monday, Sunday, & Thursday weddings are a lot less common, & are highly likely to still be available for both you & your vendors.

Option 3: Hold a smaller wedding

Even if you’re limited to your officiant, photographer, & any friends & family that can come-you’re still celebrating & married by the end of the day! There is also the option of live-streaming in this case. It is a silver lining that more focus is drawn to the union of the couple in an intimate setting, & there is less detail to distract you on your day.

At the end of the day, you need someone there for you as a calm presence & a sounding board. Not your stressed out future mother-in-law, not your anxious great aunt, & not the local cashiers judging your toilet paper purchases.

You need a professional on your side to help you navigate with ideas & resources you probably don’t know are out there. So let’s get you hitched!!

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