Ok. So I have a dilemma. Every time I go to this stunning island, I pack in as many hikes as I can…BUT when I come home, suddenly the local hikes are just depressing. I’m no longer surrounded by every shade of green, getting multiple showers along the way to cool me off. No longer lugging my camera gear to capture every corner. I just have Mack, stopping to make his mark on every other dead bush. However, there are most definitely worse problems to have so I will bear my burden the best I can
When we weren’t exploring some mountain or waterfall we were stuffing ourselves with ramen & poké to fuel the next adventure on the list. Take a look at these photos to see just how packed the schedule was…
You come around a corner before seeing this view, and it gives me butterflies every time.
And THEN you keep turning the corner and see the freaking mountain range.